Single Row Ball Bearings - 9.525 mm x 22.225 mm x 7.142 mm
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Base Category: Bearings - Single Row Ball
Top Level Category: Bearings - Single Row Ball - Unflanged - Precision - Chrome Steel
Product Details:ID (d): 9.525mm
+ 0.000 / - 0.0075
Chrome Steel SAE 52100
- OD (D): 22.225mm
+ 0.000 / - 0.010
- Width (B): 7.142mm
+ 0.000 / - 0.125
- Precision Grade: Abec 1
- Closure Type: ZZ
- Bearing Type: Radial
Brand: MBA
Country of Origin: JP
Alternative Parts Include: EE3-ZZ, EEB3-ZZ, 77R6, 26731002, R6-ZZH, R6SS, R6SS3, R6RHH, R6A-ZZMC3, R6PPD, R6-2Z, 1094B-10312, 1604DS, 1438HH, SKF-1604DS, KLNJ3-8-ZZ, 60355K45, PS3KDD2, R1-1438-ZZ, R1-1438HH, BR3-8-2Z, BR-6, Y3-8-ZZ, WIB, NICE, OS, Nachi, GRW, Small Parts, FAG, RHP, FAFNIR, NHBB, MPB, BCA, ISO, NTN, ADR, R6ABASIC
We offer equivalents to many brands including Anderton, Barden, Berg, Designatronics, EZO, ISC, Koyo, Myonic, NMB, Nordex, NSK, Ondrives, Reid Industrial, RMB, SDP-SI, Seeger, SKF, and more.
Used for RC Nitro Engine Parts. Brands: ASP, Bluebird, CEN, Chapman, Enya, Horizon, Irvine, K.B, Magnum, Magnum Power, MDS, Mutunuc, OS, Power Racing, RJL, Royal, Saito, Super Tigre, Thunder Tiger, Veco, Webra, YS. Models: 91 New, 2C - 21, NX-76 - 25, DC - 28, 120 - 4 Stroke, 2C - 0.28, 2C 733 - 45, 2C SS - 46, 35 III, 40 CX, 4C - 35, 4C - 46, 4C - 60, 4C - Old - 90, 50CX - 120, 60 - 2 Stroke 733, 60 - 4 Stroke, 60X 2Cand3, 60XF 2C - 80XF-4 -7101, 80 - 4 Stroke, 90 - 4 Stroke, BB 6001 - 29, BB 6001 - 35, BB 6001 - 53, CX - 35, CX - 45, III - 120, III - 45, SS - 120, SS - 90, SS40BB - 40, TVBB - 40, TVBB - 50, X 2Cand3 - 240, XF 2C - 19, XF-4 - 19, XF-4H - 60, Evolution - 40, 15 All Models, 40 - 2 Stroke, 40 All Models, 8702 - 21, Fire - 100, Outboard Late Model Marine - 3.5, Outboard Marine - 40, Outboard Marine Late Model - 90, Pro - 67, SS Marine - 7.5 .45CC, 40 Pro - 2 Stroke, 45 - 2 Stroke, 61 Pro - 2 Stroke, 45 All Models, 4C - 21, Pro - 36, Pro - 40, Pro - 80, Pro SE - 45, XLS - 32, XLS - 36, XLS 91A - 40, XLS52A - 46, 38 All Models, Taiwan - 21, 40 FR ABC RC W-Muffler, 40 FR RC W-Muffler, 40 FR-S W-Muffler, 40 FSR, 40 FX - 2 Stroke, 40 SF, 40 SF ABC, 40 SF ABC RC W-Muffler, 40 SF -R 2C Old, 40 SF RC W-Muffler, 40 SF-S ABC, 40 SF-S ABC W-Muffler, 40 VF ABC, 40 VF ABXC RC, 45 FR, 45 FSR, 45 FSR-H, 46 AX - 2 Stroke, 46 FS - 2 Stroke, 46 FX - 2 Stroke, 46 SF, 46 SF ABC, 46 SF ABC RC W-Muffler, 46 SF ABC REV, 46 SF RC W-Muffler, 46 SF-H, 46 SF-H RC, 46 SF-P, 46 SF-P - ABC-P RC, 46 SF-P ABC, 46 SF-S ABC, 46 SF-S ABC W-Muffler, 46 SX-H - 2 Stroke, 46 VF ABC, 46 VF ABC RC, 46 VF ABC-P, 46 VR-DF ABC RC, 46 VX DF ABC - 2 Stroke Ducted Fan, 50 FR-H RC, 50 FSR, 50 FSR-H, 50 SX, 50 SX-H - 2 Stroke, 60 FR, 61 FR ABC Special, 61 FR Gold Head, 61 FR RC Special, 61 FSR, 61 RF ABC, 61 RF ABC HANNO, 61 RF ABC-P, 61 RF ABC-P RC-Pump, 61 RF-H, 61 RF-H pump, 61 RF-H RC, 61 RF-H RC LS, 61 RF-H RC W-7H, 61 RF-H-P RC W-Pump, 61 RF-HS w-cone, 61 RFN, 61 RFN-H ABC, 61 RX-H - 2 Stroke, 61 SF, 61 SF ABC, 61 SF ABC LS, 61 SF ABC RC W-Muffler, 61 SF ABC RC-Pump, 61 SF ABC-P, 61 SF RC W-Muffler, 61 SF RC W-Muffler LS, 61 SF-H ABC LS, 61 SF-H ABC RC, 61 SF-H ABC-P W-PMP, 61 SF-H RC, 61 SF-H RC LS, 61 SF-H RC W-7H, 61 SF-H RC W-Pump, 61 SFN-H ABC w-6B Carb, 61 SFN-H ABC W-7H, 61 SFN-H RC W-7H, 61 SFN-H w-6B Carb, 61 SF-P, 61 SF-P RC-Pump, 61 SX-H - 2 Stroke, 61 VF-H ABC RC W-7H, 61 VF-H RC W-7H Car, 61 VR-M ABC, 61 VR-M ABC RC MAR, 65 VR-DF ABC, 65 VR-M - DF ABC RC, 65 VR-M ABC, 77 VR-DF ABC RC-SML, 77 VR-M ABC RC MAR, 81 VR-M, 81 VR-M ABC, 91 FX - 2 Stroke, 91 SXHC, 91 VR DF - 2 Stroke Ducted Fan, 91 VR-DF, 91 VR-DF Small, ABC-P RC - 90, AX - .21 SB, AX 120 - 46, CZ-Z Recoil - 12, F320 4 Cylinder RC - 4 Stroke, F4 4-C - 32, F4 4CYL - 32, FF-240 4 Cyl, FF240 4 Cylinder RC - 4 Stroke, FF-320 4 Cyl, FP - 32, FPS - 70, FS - 40, FS 70 II Surpass - 40, FS 70 Surpass RC 4C - 20, FS FI Surpass II - 20, FS II Surpass With Pump 91 - 70, FS RC 4C - 91, FS RC 4C Non Surpass - 61, FS Surpass II 4C - 120, FS Surpass RC 4C 91 - 40, FS61 - 4 Stroke MAR, FS70 II - 4 Stroke, FS-70 Surpass, FS70S - 4 Stroke, FS90 - 4 Stroke W-Muffler, FS-91 Surpass, FS91S - 4 Stroke, FSR - 25, FSR - 40, FSR - 45, FSR ABC - 61, FSR ABC - 91, FSR Gold Head - 45, FSR RC Special - 90, FSR RC W-Muffler - 61, FSR RC W-Muffler - 91, FSR Ring ED - 108, FSRH - 90, FSR-H RC - 108, FSR-S W-Muffler - 50, FT 12 Twin RC 4C - 40, FT Twin RC 4C - 12, FT Twin RC 4C - 120, FT12011 Twin RC - 4 Stroke, FT-120II Twin, FT-160 Twin, FT160 Twin RC - 4 Stroke, FX - 160, FX - 25, FX - 46, FX-H Ring - 61, FXI - 91, H - 46, HWC - 60, MAX 61 VF ABC, RF ABC LS - 21, RF ABC RC - 40, RF-H Pump - 21, RF-H RC With 7H - 21, RF-HS - 61, RF-P - 61, RF-P Hanno Special - 61, RF-P Ring Hanno Special - 61, RX-H - 140, RX-HGL - 140, SF - 21, SF - 25, SF - 40, SF ABC - 46, SF ABC RC - 61, SF ABC RC W-Muffler - 61, SF RC W-Muffler - 40, SF RC W-Muffler - 61, SF Ring - 40, SF Ring - 46, SF-H ABC RC LS - 46, SF-H RC - 61, SF-H RC LS - 61, SF-HP RC - 46, SF-HS - 61, SFN-H RC With 7H - 40, SF-P - 61, SF-P RC/Pump - 46, SF-P Ring - 61, SF-S ABC W-Muffler - 46, SF-S ABC W-Muffler - 61, SR 2C Old - 46, SX - 40, SX-H - 32, SX-H - 50, SX-H Ring - 50, SX-H Ring C Spec - 61, SX-H Ring C Spec With Pump - 91, SX-H Ring Hyper - 91, SX-HGL WC - 91, SZ-H - 32, SZ-H - 37, VF - 12, VF ABC RC - 25, VF ABC RC - 61, VF-H ABC - 25, VF-H RC With 7H - 25, VF-P - 61, VR - 21, VR ABC RC - 48, VR-DF - 21, VR-DF Heat Sink Head - 46, VR-DF Small Head - 46, VR-M - 91, VR-M Marine - 40, WC - 21, 46 - 21, 7 All Models, 25 All Models, 28 All Models, Signature - 40, 130 - 56, 30 All Models, 4C - 130, 4C New - 45, FA 50, FA 65, FA 80, X - 60, 46 Pro - 2 Stroke, 50 Pro - 2 Stroke, EK4 - -21, H - 70, Pro - 25, Pro - 46, Pro H - 36, Pro H - 39, Pro H - 90, Pro H BB - 46, 21 All Models, 4-C ROTARY - 19, 140DZ - 24.7, 160DZ - 24.7, 2-C - 24.7, 4-C - 140, 61 All Models, 80 - 91, 80 ST - 140, 91 All Models, Air Chamber - 61, FZ - 60, FZ 10 - 91, L - 120, New - 53, Old - 53, PART S - 120, ST H - 120, ST2 61 Heli - 120, ST4 91 Heli - 61, SZ - 61.

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Bearing Material Selection and Benefits
Bearings - Corrosion Resistant
Bearings - Radial - Master List
We provide equivalents to many brands including Berg - Designatronics - Nordex - NSK - Oilite - Ondrives - Reid Industrial - SDP-SI - SKF. The following PDF cross references contain hundreds of thousands of part conversions.
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